Art of ancient Egypt
Ancient Egyptian art is the painting, sculpture, architecture and other arts produced by the civilization of Ancient Egypt in the lower Nile
Valley from about 3000 BC to 100 AD. Ancient Egyptian art reached a
high level in painting and sculpture, and was both highly stylized and symbolic.
Much of the surviving art comes from tombs and monuments and thus there
is an emphasis on life after death and the preservation of knowledge of
the past.
In a more narrow sense, Ancient Egyptian art refers to the canonical 2nd and 3rd Dynasty art developed in Egypt from 3000 BC and used until the 2nd century. Most elements of Egyptian art remained remarkably stable over that 3,000 year period with relatively little outside influence. The quality of observation and execution started at a high level and remained near that level throughout the period. Portraiture in Ancient Egypt, above all of royalty, was highly developed, and represented a complicated mixture of realistic depiction of individuals and stylization.

In a more narrow sense, Ancient Egyptian art refers to the canonical 2nd and 3rd Dynasty art developed in Egypt from 3000 BC and used until the 2nd century. Most elements of Egyptian art remained remarkably stable over that 3,000 year period with relatively little outside influence. The quality of observation and execution started at a high level and remained near that level throughout the period. Portraiture in Ancient Egypt, above all of royalty, was highly developed, and represented a complicated mixture of realistic depiction of individuals and stylization.
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